Turn Organic Jamun Honey is a 100% natural and unadulterated forest honey. Organic Jamun honey enables the preservation of blood sugar levels. It enables the healing of wounds and works as an antiseptic. Honey works as a great substitute for sugar and it also helps prevent colds and coughs. Black plum is a totally well-known Indian fruit and is properly called Jamun. It belongs to the Myrtaceae family. Buy Organic Jamun Honey Online in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore.

  • Organic Jamun honey is sourced from bees that feed and forage basically on wild forest Jamun blossoms.
  • It is accumulated from Dudua National Park and Sunderbans and is harvested in June/July while the flowers blossom.
  • It is a rich source of antioxidants.
  • Organic Jamun Honey has anti-inflammatory effects.
  • It provides relief from cold, cough, and sore throat pain.
  • It is relatively less sweet in comparison to different forms of honey, it is stated to have a great lingering aftertaste.


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